Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Beatsound Distortion Booster (Distorsionador)

So I was originally going to make this post a huge data dump of cool stomp box ads from '70s Argentine Rock & Roll magazines, but as I was going through everything one specific pedal caught my eye more than the rest...

This is the Beatsound Distortion Booster:

After doing some more digging I discovered what this magical triple-knobbed beast was all about. 

It appears to be a Big Muff (kinda) with an additional footswitch/circuit that kicks on even more sustain. (So a Muff + Compressor maybe?) At least that's what I think may be going on here. 

*Nerds please let me know what you think in the comments.

I did find more photos (*big thanks to all the owners of this media :) and even a video demo!

So I apologize for adding yet another pedal to your "must find or I'll literally die" list, but be assured that I too am feeling the pull of this monster.

Alright, now for your pedal porn//

So as these are still a bit of a mystery to me, if any of you out there happen to have additional information, or you have owned a Beatsound Distortion Booster; please reach out to me via Email or Instagram.

thanks for reading!