Monday, July 8, 2013

A New friend arrived today!

I went on a little pedal binge last week, and the first to arrive is this,
the Knight KG-389 Fuzz Box.

It's a pretty primitive sounding fuzz, and so far I am liking it on bass a little bit more than guitar.

There's not a whole lot of info out there on these.
The pots date it to 1966, but they have appeared in catalogs as late as 1969...
So after I gather more info, I'll do a full post on this beautiful blue buzzer.

Also, there seems to be some debate on the transistors that were used in this thing, so let's end that.
This one, at least, is packing two 2N3391 A's.

Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. Dammit! I had to get one after this and the other post on it. Need more posts!
