Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Verlage Buzz-A-Tone (Canada's First Fuzz?)

Verlage Buzz-A-Tone

This past Summer I was probably spending too much time going through old magazine archives and looking for anything pedal-related. My main years of focus where 1962-1972, as the later half of that decade saw the birth of guitar pedals, and specifically FUZZ, as we know it today.

And as it turns out, I was very lucky in tracking down some really important ads and articles that have helped clear up much of the history we all thought we knew for the past couple decades. Additionally, I was able to discover some pedals that were completely new (to me), which then lead to even more digging and late-night research.

The article below, which was found in the June 1969 edition of The Music Trades magazine, highlights a "new" fuzz out of Saskatchewan, Canada called the "Buzz-A-Tone". As you can imagine, I immediately had to find out everything I could about this thing, and see if I could track one down for myself (spoiler alert: I didn't). So here we go! This is everything I have found, so far, about the Verlage Buzz-A-Tone fuzz...

Verlage Buzz-A-Tone

Verlage was an amp brand out of Humboldt, Saskatchewan, owned and operated by Ken Verlage. From what I could find, it looks like they were around for nearly a decade; from approximately 1965-1975 (give or take a few years).

The amps are somewhat rare, but I have been able to find photos of enough of them that seem to prove, if nothing else, how long they were actually in business.  

I did find one description of an early amp head that supposedly has the Buzz-A-Tone circuit built-in, but the controls don't really match up, so I cannot confirm if this is true. 

Verlage Buzz-A-Tone

So after a bit of onlining, I was able to find photos of two (somewhat) surviving units. Sadly, both have been modded; one has a weird 2nd footswitch installed, the output cable is missing, and I'm not sure what else could be wrong but it doesn't seem quite right. The other one has been completely gutted! At some point along its path, someone decided they hated fuzz and took out their anger and ignorance on an innocent vintage pedal just trying to live its life.

But that all being said, we at least have a couple photos to share so you can get an idea of what these looked like. And you may recognize that they appear a bit different than the one in that article above. 

*About that; one thing I caught at the end was the line,  "A special lead guitar model is also available."  So are we seeing both models here? I'm honestly not sure at all, but maybe YOU have one just sitting in your closet and would like to message me so we can figure this out??? 😁

Verlage Buzz-A-Tone

Verlage Buzz-A-Tone

Now that article being from 1969 should be an indication of when these were available. But something I have learned from reading The Music Trades, is that when gear makes it into an issue, it's because they are working with a distributor. And oftentimes a new brand will be toiling away for a year or two (sometimes more) before deciding they need a little help to expand.

So it begs the question, "When did the Verlage Buzz-A-Tone actually get released?"

And maybe we never would have gotten closer to that answer, but just earlier today I was going through old newspaper archives and came across an ad from the Brandon Sun, out of Manitoba, Canada, from August of 1967; it was for Verlage Amplifiers, and right there about half-way down, was a clear mention of the Buzz-A-Tone! (well "Buzz Tone", which might actually make sense. Look back at that 1969 article and the face of that pedal appears to have the word "Verlage" above the footswitch, and then simply "Buzz Tone" below it. 🤔)

Verlage Buzz-A-Tone
Now I don't personally know much about the pedal history of Canada. But I can't think of a single Canadian fuzz that came out before 1967. So could this be the very first (production) fuzz box from our neighbors to the north???

And if it was built in 1967 or earlier, what could the circuit be based off of? Unfortunately we have no gut shots to study, but it could easily be a Maestro Fuzz-Tone or even a Mosrite Fuzz-Rite. But to be honest, we will have no idea until we actually see inside one.

And just to be thorough, I should mention that one of the owners has described the tone as sounding "like a Fuzz-Rite", but again, who knows!?

Well, that's all I got for this one! If it wasn't clear above, I will ask you all now; if you have any more information on the history of Verlage Amps or Ken Verlage, please reach out.

If you own a Verlage Buzz-A-Tone definitely reach out! If nothing else I would love to see the inside of one so we can come back and edit this with more details and accuracy. Here is
my Email and Instagram please feel free to reach out with any additional bit of info you might have.

*And if you'd like a little more background on the amplifier side of Verlage, check out this link.

Thanks as always,

Sunday, December 29, 2024

History of the Companion FY-2 Fuzz

Last week I posted a new video on the history of the legendary Companion (Shin-ei) FY-2 Fuzz, and specifically the early germanium version! I will follow this up in the next week or so with a post about some things I may have missed in the video, plus a clarification or two... 
But for now, I hope you enjoy this super deeeeeeeeeep dive:

Thanks for watching!

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Electronic Sounds - A Gary Hurst Design...

After parting ways with Sola Sound / Color Sound and moving to Italy in the early 1970s, Gary Hurst decided to finally start his own effects company. It was called Electronic Sounds, and for the most part built their business on recreating those earlier Sola designs but for the Italian and surrounding European markets.

The majority of their 70s lineup featured rugged plastic enclosures with a logoplate glued to the end. They put out pedals like the Phazer, Power Driver, Wah Fuzz Swell, and Sustain. But the real standout was their Fuzz King (which was a redesigned Supa Tonebender).

By the late 70s they began to migrate away from plastic and over to large black metal enclosures. This new series featured an Equalizer, a Phaser, and a new Flanger that sounded as though it was handed down from intergalactic travelers or something...

By 1980 things seemed to change for Electronic Sounds, and a new series of equally large metal enclosures were introduced; featuring the Phazer, Sustain, and these two gorgeous monsters; the Flanger and the Fuzz King!

Each pedal from this line came in a cool color and made a massively bold statement. I can only imagine a pedalboard full of new Electronic Sounds effects in 1981 and how it would look like you're piloting the Nostromo. 🚀

This appears to be the final set of effects that Electronic Sounds would produce, and my best guess is that they closed up shop around 1982.

Which is a total bummer because these all look so awesome! But I also get it, in terms of what guitar players wanted by then; which was Boss, MXR, and DOD-sized units that could easily be thrown in a gig bag and taken anywhere.

With the relatively short window of production and the regional aspect of mostly being sold in Italy, this final series of Electronic Sounds is extremely rare. I have only seen a handful of Sustain and Phasers, even less Flangers, and this is only the 2nd Fuzz King I have ever seen in my 20+ years of collecting! 

I plan to do a deeper dive some time in the future on the Fuzz King itself, but thought it might be fun to do this quick little history on the brand. So hopefully you got something new and interesting from this!

And as always, if you happen to have any additional info on Electronic Sounds or Gary Hurst, please send me a message via Email or Instagram, or feel free to comment below!

thanks for reading,

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Carlin Ring Modulator

One of the most well known vintage pedals to come out of Sweden was the Carlin Compressor, created by Nils Olof Carlin. And even though you may not have heard of it before, it's got a cult following big enough to fuel a popular reissue/clone made by Moody Sounds, as it's one of the few true compressor pedals with a separate added fuzz.

The original was a big hit in its homeland, as well as their only treadle-style effect, the Phase Pedal. And while both of these are difficult to find outside of Sweden, there is an even rarer unit that seems to be near impossible to track down.

Carlin Ring Modulator

Sticking with his choice of primary colors, the Carlin Ring Modulator came in a bright green enclosure, and seems to have been made in an extremely limited run.

Only a handful of these have ever surfaced, which means I am very intrigued! haha

So let me know if you've ever seen one of these out in the wild. I would love to hear how they sound.

Thanks for reading!

Monday, November 11, 2024

Mystery of the East Coast Fuzz ...

One of the most ubiquitous pedals in the vintage effects world has to be what collectors have dubbed, the "East Coast Fuzz". As of now 11 different OEM brandings have emerged, with the Manny's Fuzz, the Orpheum Fuzz, and the Clark Fuzz Tone being the most prevalent. But interestingly, and even though the pedal dates from the late 60s, we are still unaware of who actually built them!

So with this post, we are going to try and lay out everything that I've been able to find so far. I'm definitely not the first person to go here, and in many ways I'm standing on the shoulders of the vintage pedal-researching giants that came before me. So my main goal is to just have a singular place where all of this info can live and can be gone through by you, in hopes that we can uncover something new...

Jerms East Coast Fuzz Collection

A common practice in the 1960s, whether it was amplifiers, guitars, or organs, was to establish your musical instrument company by paying a third-party manufacturer to build the gear and slap your logo on the front. Often you could walk into multiple shops selling the same exact product, with the only difference being the branding. And while this is a well known part of amplifier and guitar history, when it comes to effects we tend towards the idea that each brand had its own factory building the pedals in-house.

But Japan is the perfect example of an antithesis to this mentality. The majority of Japanese effects built from the 1960s - 1980s were made by just a handful of manufacturing plants; with brands like Locobox, Ibanez, Companion, Coron, and many more. But in the U.S. this appears to be the exception rather than the rule.

And instead of a completely unknown-to-the-public manufacturer, what we did see over here were brands like Electro Harmonix, who in addition to having their own pedals, also ran an OEM program with alternate brandings like Guild, Lyle, and Electra

Why this all matters to the East Coast Fuzz story, is that part of the mystery lies in the fact that we don't know if any of these brandings are the true original, or if they were all built by an unknown third party manufacturer (not unlike the infamous AUL Fuzz).

With all that being said, let's dive into what we do know...

Orpheum Fuzz germanium

So there is some debate on what year these were first built. But if we go off the fact that they were essentially derivations of the earliest Fuzzrites, then we know that they couldn't have come before 1966. I say that because I have seen some units that have pot codes dating to the early 60s, which has led to confusion in the past.

So the accepted range of years for the East Coast Fuzz inception is 1966-1968. And it is also accepted that they were built somewhere in the New York/New Jersey area, based on the location of the 11 OEM brands; Manny's Music of New York, Gracin's Music of New York, Clark Music Industries, of New Jersey, Mica-Tone of New York, etc.

When we look inside the East Coast Fuzzes what we do find is a mixture of parts common to that era and location. Other brands such as Applied Audio (New Jersey), UMI (New York), Universal Amplifier Corp (New York) were all active in the late 60s and used a very similar mixture of components in their own pedals. But this most likely points to each manufacturer using the same distributors/shops for these components as opposed to the idea that one of them is responsible for building the East Coast Fuzzes.

So instead of focusing all of our attention on the types of capacitors used or which color wiring they chose, we're going to go a bit more, macro...

Manny's Reverb Andre Ampeg

Until last week I did not know that this existed. What you see above is a Manny's branded reverb tank from the late 60s. There are a few key similarities with the Manny's Fuzz that immediately pop out:

1. The Manny's logo (and address) are identical in both.

2. The knobs used in this reverb unit are also found on many of the East Coast Fuzzes.

3. The little * astericks * printed next to the Volume and Reverb controls are very odd, and are also seen on the Orpheum Fuzzes.

4. The acrylic logo plate on the front of the unit seems very similar to the acrylic plate you see on the top of the East Coast Fuzzes.

So I dug a bit more, and was able to find 5 total OEM reverb units that also have corresponding East Coast Fuzz builds! These include Halifax, Mica-Tone, Gracin's, and Andre.

Gracin's Reverb Manny's Ampeg

Mica-Tone Reverb Manny's Ampeg

Halifax Reverb Manny's Ampeg

But the one that really stood out was the Andre reverb. Not only was it in a deep red color, but the knobs were different, the logo plate was different, and the handle was different. And interestingly, we also see similar odd differences in the Andre Fuzzier (their version of the East Coast Fuzz).

Andre Reverb Manny's Ampeg

Andre Reverb Manny's Ampeg

Andre Reverb Manny's Ampeg

Andre Fuzzier Manny's Orpheum

Soooooo, Andre who?

Gene Andre was a young Russian refugee with a deep interest in electronics who found a home in New Jersey, just outside of NYC. In 1964 he got a job working for a little local amplifier company you may have heard of before, called Ampeg, where he became known for being the best troubleshooter in the business.

In 1966 Ampeg's top engineer Jess Oliver left the company and began his own amplifier brand, Oliver Sound Inc. With the promise of true design work, Gene Andre decided to moonlight with this new venture while still working his regular troubleshooting shifts at Ampeg. This lasted nearly three years, until 1969 when he finally decided to open his own repair/custom shop called Andre Audio-Tronics, Inc.

Andre Audio-Tronics trademark info

According to this trademark filing, in addition to the Fuzzier and the Reverberation units he also built amps, a phase shifter, mixers, and at least one additional effect, a tremolo. Fans of Ampeg will quickly recognize the similarity in many of his builds to Ampeg units, and they will also point out that Andre went as far as to buy old parts-stock directly from Ampeg to use in his builds. 

The most glaring example of this is his tremolo pedal, built right into the enclosure of an Ampeg Scrambler:

Andre Tremolo Ampeg Scrambler

Andre Tremolo Ampeg Scrambler

As hilarious as that is, I can't help notice the similarities between the Tremolo and the Fuzzier, and even the Reverb. They all appear to be made by the same builder. Which begs the question; was Andre responsible for the East Coast Fuzzes?

When we look at things like the foam-taped circuit, the black "goop" found on the tremolo PCB that you also see on some East Coast Fuzz units, the rubber grip tread on the base of the pedals, and the same odd "94047" transistors you see in the Gracin's Fubar units, it becomes hard to deny that they all probably share a common origin.

Andre Tremolo Ampeg Scrambler

Orpheum Fuzz germanium Manny's

Gracin's Fubar Fuzz Manny's

Andre Tremolo

That all said, there is a perfectly logical explanation that doesn't end in Gene Andre as the builder of the East Coast Fuzzes. It is definitely a possibility that they simply hired the same manufacturing plant who was already building the fuzz pedals to also build the tremolo and the reverb tank.

But there sure are a lot of similarities between all of the Andre products and the East Coast Fuzzes that are hard to ignore. And while these similarities make a great case, it's the unique differences that really make Andre noteworthy. 

Those asterisks though, where have I seen them before??? 🤔

A connection I was not expecting to make with the East Coast Fuzzes, was one I stumbled upon while looking into the reverb tanks. 

I found a listing for the Manny's branded version that stated it was made by Ampeg. Yes, that Ampeg! And while I initially brushed this off as some hyperbolic sales tactic, I decided to look into it and see what I could find, just in case.

And luckily I did because the first thing I noticed was those damn asterisks! It looks like they were fairly common on Ampeg control panels from the 60s, used to indicate that a particular pot had a "special" setting that was engaged with the final turn/click of that knob. 

So while they are definitely a cool similarity, it is important to note that Ampeg's use was different from the asterisks you see on the Orpheum Fuzzes, and they're also printed in different directions from each other.

Ampeg Head 1967

Orpheum Fuzz

Another common bond I found between Ampeg, the reverb units, and the East Coast Fuzzes were the knobs. Many of the 60s Ampeg models share knobs with at least one of the fuzzes. *see the amp above.

And while it is true that many unrelated brands used similar knobs in the 60s, the two examples below seem to only exist on the East Coast Fuzzes and various Ampeg models.

Halifax Fuzz Manny's Orpheum

Ampeg Gemini VI

Manny's Fuzz Orpheum Hendrix

Another very specific detail that I noticed between the Manny's reverb units, the Andre Amps, and Ampeg was the weird screws they all used. 

Known as "clutch head" screws, these are typically hallmarks of Ampeg amps from this time period. So to also find them on potentially related OEM products is extremely interesting!

Ampeg Clutch Head Screws

Ampeg Clutch Head Screws

Ampeg Clutch Head Screws

One final, and subtle similarity is something you'll specifically see between Ampeg and Andre. At some point in 1969 Ampeg started to put knob placement markers around each pot, using 7 small triangles that extended from a circular line.

And seemingly at the same time Andre used and almost identical marking system, with the 7 triangles around the knob, sans a circular line. You can find these on both their amps and the Andre Fuzzier pedal.

So does all this mean that AMPEG!!! made the East Coast Fuzzes?

Well, there is one final candidate with an interesting bit of compelling evidence...

In addition to Orpheum and Manny's, the next most common East Coast Fuzz branding was a small speaker cabinet builder from New Jersey, called Clark Music Industries. 

Clark Music Industries NJ

Clark was owned and run by Hillard Gretchis, who was a WWII Army veteran, and later a Chief Engineer of the Merchant Marines. Gretchis also owned a lumber company called (you guessed it!) Clark Lumber

In researching Clark Music Industries I was lead to this 2017 blog post from Rich Excellente. You may not know him by name, but he is the reason that Snarling Dogs effects exist! He not only helped the brand pivot from guitar strings to pedals, but he also designed many of them.

And while that is a fun fact, the curveball I did not expect was when Excellente said that he worked for Clark right out of high school, and his main job was wiring speaker columns and fuzz boxes! Which would imply one of two things; either Clark made another fuzz pedal we have yet to see, or he was talking about building the East Coast Fuzzes.

Clark Fuzz Manny's

But the revelations don't stop there, because in the comments section of a now-deleted Youtube video, Excellente went on to describe the East Coast Fuzzes perfectly, and stated that for a fact, Clark was the builder.  

He also said that the circuit was based on a combination of the Fuzzrite and the Maestro Fuzz Tone, which is pretty specific knowledge. *note that it's very much a Fuzzrite, with some value changes. 

And if this wasn't enough, he dropped one more crazy piece of info in that Youtube comment, stating that during the 60's Clark supposedly built the amp cabs for Ampeg! *who was located just one town over in Linden, NJ.

I have yet to find any solid facts or confirmation to back up this claim, but I will say that it does make sense. The fact that Gretchis not only owned a speaker cabinet company, but also a lumber company, that were both located less that 5 miles from Ampeg, is a very compelling narrative.

But the case for Clark does not end there, because the "Clark" labeled fuzzes all had something that the rest of the units did not. And that was in place of grip-tread on the bottom plate, they had an instructions sticker.

And while that fact alone doesn't suggest much, what this sticker says towards the bottom definitely does...
"Manufactured and Distributed by Clark Music Industries"

Alone, that little phrase doesn't definitively make the case. As we have seen other OEM brands claim to be the "manufacturer" of their pedals when we know for a fact that they were not.

But in this scenario, with a somewhat detailed background story from an ex-employee, the claim holds significantly more weight. Especially when we consider the other pieces of this puzzle.

But there was one thing I did notice when reading back through Rich Excellente's blog post:
"After high school, I landed a job with Clark Electronics in Clark N.J. assembling P.A. column speakers and wiring fuzz boxes. It was a only three man operation. The Clark fuzz sounded raunchy..." 

If you look, he says that he got a job "wiring fuzz boxes", which could imply a few things; A: that by the time he got there they were already in production. B: he never says that he designed the circuit (which if he was just telling stories to conflate his own past, he almost certainly would take credit for the fuzz itself), and C: the possibility that Clark was just responsible for manufacturing the enclosures, while a mysterious 3rd party was actually building the circuits (which meant that all Clark had to do was wire up the populated PCB's to their enclosures). 

These are all guesses of course, but ones that I hope can lead to some good questions, and even better answers in the future.

Simon's Clark Fuzz Collection

Now if you know these pedals well, you will probably make the point that the Clark labeled fuzzes typically utilize, what we believe to be, the later silicon version of the circuit. And also that the enclosure itself was larger than the Manny's and Orpheum versions.

One thing that has made it difficult to pin down the original builder, is that over the whole production period there seems to be at least 3 separate enclosures that were used, and a countless variation of parts and components.

Things like toggle switches, transistors, capacitors, and pots vary from pedal to pedal. And while there does seem to be some amount of consistency to these inconsistencies, it has made it hard to really say which fuzz came out when.

What we tend to believe is the final version of the East Coast Fuzz is found in the 3-knob Gracin's, AAT, and Andre Fuzzier pedals. They all have a unique enclosure that's tall like the Clark, puts the knobs in a triangle formation, and at least two of them have an additional slant below the jacks.

Gracin's Fubar Fuzz

But even within these oddballs the Andre stands alone. 

And while the evidence for Clark is very solid, I can't help but go back to Andre. Why were they the only ones to have a red-colored reverb unit? Why were they they only ones to use those weird knobs? Why were they they only ones to use the triangle knob configuration in a upside-down pattern?

We do see forms of "customization" with OEM manufactures, but rarely to the level we see with the Andre Fuzziers and reverb tanks. And what about that tremolo that's clearly built inside of an Ampeg Scrambler enclosure??? There's also an Andre microphone mixer that appears to have the same build style as the fuzzes, with a metal faceplate and wooden sides covered in tolex:

Andre Mic Mixer

Andre Mic Mixer

I think we are super close, as the truth probably lies somewhere in the connection between Andre, Ampeg and Clark.

And while I would love to lay out my working theory, I'm actually much more interested in hearing how YOU interpret all of the info in this article. Because while I have my ideas, what I do know, is that there is still a lot I do not know...

So that was supposed to be the end of this post, but as I was finishing up a friend of the blog reached out with photos of his original Orpheum Fuzz, and inside was an amazing surprise...

Orpheum Fuzz Gene Andre

Do you see it?

At first glance you're probably thinking "What am I looking at? It just looks like the inside of any regular germanium Orpheum Fuzz." 

But if you look again, you will notice that the name "Gene" is printed on one of the wooden sides. And if you're thinking "so what?" and this is probably just someone's way of labeling their own pedal; let me ask you

Why would they do that? 

Who puts their name on the INSIDE of a pedal to make sure it doesn't get stolen or confused with another band member's?

Orpheum Fuzz Gene Andre

But ok, if it was put there during production, what does it mean? Who is Gene?

Is it possible that it was put there by... Gene Andre, of Andre Audio-tronics!

And yes, there is no way of knowing for sure, until maybe we see some other Orpheum Fuzzes with that labeling (mine just has the number "17" written on the inside). But with everything else we do know, it would be an insane coincidence.

So what do you think?

Please leave a comment below or reach out to me directly via Email or Instagram if you have any additional info that could help solve this 50+ year fuzz mystery.

*And a huge thank you has to go out to everyone who directly and indirectly helped me with my research; Nick from Fuzzboxes.org, Simon from Good Fuzz Sounds, Jerms, and Jim from JMAC Guitar Pedals.

This was definitely a long one! So thank you for reading the whole way through,